Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Employment and Trade Unions free essay sample

Task on â€Å"Industrial Relations in Bangladesh† Submitted To Professor Dr. Moniruzzaman Course Teacher Dept: Business Administration Stamford University Bangladesh Submitted by Submitted Date: 10/04/2014 Letter of Transmittal April 10, 2014 Professor Dr. Moniruzzaman Department of Business Administration Stamford University Bangladesh. Subject: Submission of Internship Report. Dear Sir, It is an incredible delight and benefit to introduce the report named â€Å"Industrial Relations in Bangladesh† which was appointed to me as a section for the opposition of MBA Program. All through the investigation I have attempted with the best of my ability to oblige however much data and applicable issues as could reasonably be expected and attempted to adhere to the guidelines as you have proposed. I attempted my best to make this report however much enlightening as could reasonably be expected. I truly accept that it will fulfill your prerequisites. I anyway truly accept that this report will fill the need of my course (Industrial Relation). I am appreciative to you for your direction and kind co-activity at each progression of my undertaking on this report. As indicated by Weeratunga (2003:5) Industrial Relations or Labor Relations, the terms utilized reciprocally, can be seen as the association between the different invested individuals engaged with work. The business and the worker are evident gatherings. The state, in guaranteeing a level playing field for the two sides, gives the legitimate system inside which such relations may occur. In modern relations, laborers are commonly spoken to by their worker's guilds framed under section 13 of Bangladesh Labor Act2006 though businesses are spoken to by their affiliations, for example, Bangladesh Employers Federation. HR supervisors intercede the connections among laborers and bosses however they are selected by the delegates of businesses. Another related term is Employee Relations. Despite the fact that both the terms mechanical relations and representative relations are basically comparative (Decenzo Robbins, 1999: 18), worker relations incorporates, notwithstanding modern relations, such angles as participative administration, worker prosperity, representative turn of events, representative remuneration, worker insurance and wellbeing, and so forth (Aswathappa, 2008:534). By and large mechanical relations spread the territories, for example, worker's organizations, aggregate haggling, settlement of modern debates, complaint dealing with method, job of government, work laws, courts and councils and job of managers. With regards to creating nations, modern relations has been impacted by highlights, for example, high abuse of laborers, low degree of specialist investment in dynamic, government and political impedances, high pace of absence of education of laborers, low degree of work, low degree of mindfulness among the workers in regards to rights, laws, and exchange unionism, and low work profitability (Khan Taher, 2008: 222-23). Modern relations assumes a significant job in setting up and keeping up mechanical popular government (Monappa, 2004: 9) and it is the way to improve profitability in modern undertakings (Aswathappa, 2004: 534). Human asset the board can assume essential jobs in upgrading helpful and well disposed mechanical relations. In Bangladesh, aggregate bartering on pay among business and laborers is disallowed in the open part ventures as the administration plans uniform compensation and advantages for the representatives of all open area undertakings (Mahmood, 2008). The restricted extent of aggregate bartering in the open segment of Bangladesh impacts the worker's guilds to create connect with government, ideological groups and other ground-breaking bodies in sorting out their exercises. It ruins powerful connections between the delegates of businesses and laborers at big business level. Despite the fact that presentation based compensation is considered to have huge effect on worker execution (DesslerVarkkey, 2010: 15), it isn't at all drilled by the open division ventures in Bangladesh. Therefore, open part endeavors in Bangladesh have been acquiring gigantic misfortunes. Then again, a wide range of aggregate dealing happens at big business level if there should arise an occurrence of private area endeavors (Khan, 1996). Mahmood (2008) referenced that the modern relations process in the private part was regularly upset by joins among private and open division associations. Targets: a) To investigate the contrasts among open and private area modern endeavors of Bangladesh as for by and large status of IR. b) To advance arrangement ramifications of generally speaking improvement in IR of Bangladesh. Mechanical Relations Studies in Bangladesh Khan (1986) examined modern relations in Bangladesh with extraordinary accentuation on exchange unionism. †¦ Trade Unions Trade Union is an association of laborers who have united together to accomplish shared objectives, for example, securing the trustworthiness of its exchange, accomplishing more significant compensation, expanding the quantity of representatives a business recruits, and better working conditions. A composed relationship of laborers in an exchange, gathering of exchanges, or calling, framed to secure and promote their privileges and interests. A gathering of representatives in a specific part, whose point is to haggle with representatives over compensation, professional stability, working hours, and so on utilizing the aggregate intensity of the individuals. The most widely recognized motivation behind these affiliations or associations is keeping up or improving the states of their business. Reasons for sorting out worker's organizations Provision of advantages to individuals: proficient preparing, legitimate counsel and portrayal for individuals is as yet a significant advantage of worker's organization enrollment. Modern activity: Trade associations may implement strikes or protection from lockouts in assistance of specific objectives. Political action: Trade associations may elevate enactment ideal for the interests of their individuals or laborers in general. To this end they may seek after battles, attempt campaigning, or monetarily bolster singular competitors or gatherings. States of business and any complaints †are settled through worker's organizations. Haggling rights: Trade associations deal and guarantee the status, rights, wages and requests of laborers of the advanced universe of industry. Commitment in practical development: Trade associations are developing quickly in an economy in view of the extension of business and efficient development. Targets Trade associations are the best way to oversee, agreeable, and control the work power. Bunches of goals are there to sort out worker's organizations. . To safeguard or improve the wages and working states of laborers and to realize an adjustment in the financial request. 2. To fortify their (work) haggling power all things considered to set up and accomplish every one of their privileges. 3. To bluntly secure all other enthusiasm of the laborers . What's more, from the administrations perspective the destinations as composed: a) To decrease the quantity of exchange. b) To determine work rules, contradictions and complaints to give the better answer for laborers guarantee. c) To set up the proficient correspondence between the businesses and the executives to authorize the anticipated guidelines. ) To improve the general hierarchical viability laborers can likewise be some of the time motivated to frame and sort out worker's guild. Truth be told, destinations of a worker's guild are not characterized; rather these are changing as indicated by the need of the economy and generally speaking industry. At the point when these destinations are not settled then the opponents are begun History of Trade Unions The Pakistan Period (1947-71) - The East Pakistan Trade Unions Act, 1965 was established canceling the Trade Unions Act, 1926. - The Labor Disputes Act, 1965 was ordered. - Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969 was sanctioned coordinating the over two Acts. Bangladesh Period (1971-onwards) - Government of Bangladesh proclaimed a work strategy in 1972. The option to strike and aggregate bartering in the nationalized enterprises was precluded for a half year by Presidential request no. 55 in May 1972. - In 1973, the option to strike and lockout, as allowed by IRO, 1969 was pulled back. - In 1974 Act totally suspended the fair privileges of laborers by restricting worker's guild exercises, for example, strikes, lock-outs, aggregate haggling. - The military system of 1975 forced limitations on the privileges of aggregate haggling. The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Ordinance, 1977 changed the Rights of Freedom of Association - The Labor Policy of 1980 reestablished the privilege to opportunity of relationship to a significant degree - In 1982 the military system prohibited worker's guild exercises, strikes, and right of opportunity of affiliation. Restrictions In Bangladesh Trade Unions have a ton of unavoidable issues: 1. Absence of cogn izance: Trade association are not quite mindful about representatives legitimate rights and obligations. 2. Absence of Unity: In Bangladesh worker's organizations are isolated for political impact. 3. Absence of information: The laborers of Bangladesh dont have enough information about their privileges and obligations. 4. Political impact: In Bangladesh, worker's organizations work a piece of ideological groups not as a free right sparing affiliation. 5. Division of worker's organization: Bangladesh is where each association has more worker's guilds in name as it were. The general efficiency got down. Proposals Strengthening two-sided aggregate expecting taking care of issues rapidly and adequately. Assortment of worker's organization makes the adversaries in an association. So it must be decreased. Political association must be decreased. Association must help monetarily as worker's organizations bolster the specialist. Preparing programs under worker's guild ought to be useful to build up the aptitudes of the laborers. Worker's organizations capacity ought to be expanded and extended all through the association. Association pioneer must be given significance and energize the individuals. In the event that trust among laborers and the board expands, efficiency increments. The executives must assistance and guide worker's guilds to settle modern conflicts and emergency. Worker's guilds alw

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Caribbean Essay -- essays research papers

Numerous individuals will consider Caribbean Islands as a pleasant spot for an escape excursion. Be that as it may, verifiable foundation of Caribbean is to some degree unique. Caribbean has a long history of colonization and subjugation for some ages. As new colonization was set up, new societies and dialects were presented.      People watches out for just spotlight on the splendid side of the Columbus⠡â ¯s extraordinary find of the new land and colonization of the European nations and can without much of a stretch disregard the devastation and the harms of the lives of local nations. who were the main Caribbean some time before the Columbus⠡â ¯s disclosure, were nearly cleared out by the barbarous intrusion of the European nations alongside their societies and their dialects. The Europeans held onto Caribbean however when they need the slaves for the sugar businesses, they were brought from every single diverse piece of Africa as a human load. Among the slaves, they had numerous social contrasts just as dialects themselves since they were brought from various areas of Africa.  â â â â When subjection was surrendered all through the Caribbean in mid-nineteenth century, the financial and political structure that controlled the island remained. The exslaves had to work beneath the base wages. Enormous number of Caribbean emigrated wanting to discover better affordable chances. So as to supplant the missing number of laborers, numerous Asian foreigners were brought to Caribbean. This came about I...

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Pact Essay Essays

The Pact Essay Essays The Pact Essay The Pact Essay This book because composed was not to engage us with their life, however to motivate individuals who dont have confidence in their selves. Dry. Sampson Davis, Dry. George Jenkins, and Dry. Rammer Hunt need to share their story to show individuals that you can genuinely do anything in the event that you set your attention to it. Experiencing childhood in Newark, New Jersey was difficult for these three young men. The boulevards were risky, each of their familys had cash issues, and they had broken homes. There werent numerous individuals who pushed and enlivened these young men to do incredible things. George got enlivened to be a dental specialist when e was only a little fellow. Rammer depended on his grandma, who he called Mac to help him for a mind-blowing duration. In secondary school, there was an introduction from Sexton Hall about an Educational Opportunity Program. The POP had a program called the Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Plus Program. This program helped individuals who didnt have enough cash to begin clinical school. George, Sam, and Rammer chose to make a settlement they were going to clinical school. George, Sam, and Rammer changed their point of view subsequent to experiencing the premedical program and finishing clinical school. They experienced childhood with he avenues attempting to avoid inconvenience, and some way or another figured out how to drive themselves to turning out to be specialists. There were numerous occasions where they got in a difficult situation with the police. They had issues with medications and liquor in the zone, just as getting burglarized. Subsequent to making the settlement to experience clinical school, they understood that it was so essential to fix their lives each time they got in a difficult situation. They had confidence in one another and all the more significantly their selves. They were energized by numerous individuals along their excursion of turning out to be specialists. The street to turning out to be specialists and dental specialists was in actuality extremely intense. In any case, it was a learning experience. At the point when George, Sam, and Rammer returned home in the wake of prevailing in their tutoring, they understood how their lives could Of turned out. They figured out how to prevail with regards to something as hard as media school; you need the help of others. Having a gathering of reliable companion with indistinguishable objectives from you, and grown-ups who have faith in you is the thing that will push you through the difficult occasions. They learned they couldnt be hesitant to incline toward their companions when they required them. At the point when they required assistance and bolster they couldnt be hesitant to request it or show they required it. George, Sam, an Rammer additionally discovered that correspondence is the key. You cannot experience lie alone; you have to open up to individuals and be straightforward with those you trust. Above all, they figured out how to have faith in yourselves and your companion If you have confidence in yourself, you will go a lot more distant than if you might suspect you cant. Generally speaking, The Pact, composed by Dry. Sampson Davis, Dry. George Jenkins, and Rammer Hunt was an extraordinary book. The message in this life account was genuine motivating. It instructed me that you dont must have a wonderful youth to get effective. It is never past the point where it is possible to turn your life around. The main tail I didnt appreciate in this book was the changing of writers. It became mistaking keep up for what occasions befell every individual. Be that as it may, I liked hoi, you could see the alternate points of view of every one of them. I would resistant prescribe The Pact to other people. Particularly, on the off chance that they need assistance accepting they can accomplish something. This book has an extraordinary message and is motivating to al that read it. Could of turned out. They figured out how to prevail with regards to something as hard as clinical school; you need the help of others.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Drug and Alcohol Addiction As Leading Disorder in America - Free Essay Example

Substance Abuse   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Drug and alcohol addiction is one of the leading disorders in America. Over 21.5 million people are addicted to some sort of substance abuse. Alcohol and drug abuse is a social issue that is still relevant in todays society. Substance abuse can break down families and destroy lives. Why isnt the matter more looked into? Addiction is a brain disease that causes the body to become dependent on that substance wether alcohol of drugs. Once the body starts to crave the drugs and alcohol you are hooked . Why does substance abuse consider a social issue. Once you become addicted it leads to drugged and drunk driving, violence, stress, mental issues and domestic abuse. Substance abuse not only affects the user but everyone else around them as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Drug and alcohol addiction pertains to me as Ive seen the affects of substance abuse not directly to me personally but others around me. I felt this topic was research elements that can inevitably help the future of people dealing with substance abuse. In 2017 72,000 people lost their life due to substance abuse. Substance   abuse is a difficult topic as it has a big affect globally not just the United States. (Koob, G. F., Arends, M., Moal, M. L. 2014). Curently Substance Abuse victims first need to detox their bodies from all the drugs and poison from their bodies by doing so   it will cleanse their bodies and allow them to begin their road to recovery. After that they are given Counciling either one to one or group mediation. Usually rehabilitation takes 6 to 12 months in a facility. I feel there can be a more efficient way to help people suffering from substance abuse in stead of them just going to a rehab center and being released. Drug abuse   I feel as a social entrepreneur its important to address these social issues that can be enhanced to provide a better quality of life but it all starts with one person who use dedicated to that cause.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Our culture is used to seeing people over dose all over social media but why not see what we can do to prevent people starting in the first place. Now with these new synthetic drugs its been easier to get high with a fraction of the price. Synthetic drugs are far worse then anyone expected. The amount of over dose and deaths due to the synthetic drugs , makes it the most dangerous of them. Addiction can also trigger depression, psychosis, and anxiety, and greatly increase the risk of suicidal ideation. It can also deeply impair people around the individual, destroying relationships and finances, and even pushing people towards illicit activity and crime.(Felman 2018). We need to find ways to prevent people from being addicts in the first place. Thats is what I plan to solve. Technology today should make it easier for people to be informed about substance abuse. Choosing substance abuse is a way to make my voice heard for those you become addicted and cant get the help they deserve my role as a change maker I would treatment mandatory for any person who voluntarily signs up or is found on the street with the drugs or overdosing. It would take a lot of time and effort as many people who are addicts are in denial that they even are addicted so it the matter of getting them out of that mentality. Many people find it acceptable to become a victim to substance abuse and come just another statistic Injury can also occur while intoxicated. Often, drug use impairs co-ordination and balance and can lead to falls and injuries. Driving while under the influence of alcohol and other drugs is criminal in most countries and cause of 28% of all deaths related to traffic across the United States in 2016.(Felman 2018). Drinking and driving is a dangerous game to play. While you are impaired you are not able to think or react as quickly as you would not impaired. Many addicts function drunk in their daily life and dont realize the dangers the pose to them selves and society. The unfortunate killing by drunk drives are a result of addiction as they cant get enough alcohol so they drive and black out Causing death and injury to others and possibly themselves.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With substance abuse the social problem I am trying to solve the issue where people who are struggling in life go straight to drugs for answers. I am trying to allow rehabilitation for all walks of like who are addicted to alcohol or drugs. I would target children to adults. If we inform children and teens at young age how addiction can ruin their life we might be able to keep the image in their head that they could possibly end up like that. Addiction ruins familys as they struggle with their loved ones as they slowly kill them selves. Key steps is to create rehabilitation program centers for addicts and anyone who wants to be informed about the Dangers or addiction to be allowed to seek Counciling and treatment. People need to become aware about substance abuse and how you can prevent your self from becoming a victim.   I would start a non profit organization and rely on donations to fund a rehabilitation center. This center will be state of the art. I may not be an expert in drug rehabilitation but I will hire the best councilors and doctors and nurses. The staff must be able to accept and help all patients no matter the drug ingested.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Two measurable effects to help solve this issue would be to create a mandatory rehabilitation programs for anyone found on the street that has substance issues and be involved with communities and the youth about the dangers of substance abuse and addiction.   One wider benefit would being able to save lives and prevent the traumatic experience that the victim and their family has to deal with. A long term change would be to have addicts to be able to recover and be able to reintegrate themselves back to society with helping them with job search and a place to stay. One key assumption is that addicts with the help and guidance can be rehabilitated and able to come back to society with the help and guidance of a counselor. Rehabilitation is the correct direction to go as recently hospitals have been treating addicts in their new programs to help treat them. Weve learned that certain places are conducive to engaging patients in treatment. One of them is t he ER. The other is the criminal justice system. We need to grab those opportunities and offer patients effective treatment when theyre ready.(Vestal 2018) it is important that we have the resourcing and time to use for addicts to be able to get the help they. Wed with our being denied service.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Overdose for addicts is the lead cause of death but what can help people to stop overdosing?. Most overdoses happen in the home it you are worried about a loved one or someone you know they should not be living alone and be put in to a rehab center to help them with their addiction. In NYC Mayor Deblasio initiated safe places for addicts to use heroin and in case they over dose their are trained doctors and nurses to help them. This can work but I feel it just encourages people to use instead of getting help 115 people in the United States die every day by overdosing on opioid painkillers (Felman 2018). We need to decrease these numbers and find new alternatives and solutions to these issues. Many doctors and experts suggest to allow people to carry narcan or buprenorphine with them to use just in case someone or themselves overdose it can be used to counter react the drugs they taken.If you really want to see overdose deaths come down in the United State s, getting treatment with buprenorphine has to be easier and cheaper for people with substance use disorders than getting heroin and other opioids on the street. And what could be easier than walking into an ER and getting started on buprenorphine?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rehabilitation centers are specifically treating addicts with medicine and helping them get over why they started in the first place.   I would have the patient learn more about there disease and how they can recover. I would create a daily routine for them to follow with a personal councilor and constant monitoring so they dont feel alone. My rehabilitation center will have fun activities for all patients so they can bond and share their experiences with others in the same predicament.   I plan on meeting people who have been previous addicts and helping me create new centers for addicts and providing them a new opportunity to help others. I feel if I decided to pursue helping addicts i would put all my effort into help fighting this social issue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many rehabilitation centers that treat   many drug users experience withdrawals if they are misdiagnosed if they mixed up certain other drugs. Treating Cocaine or heroin without treating alcohol in their system leads to relapse and withdrawal which can make it difficult for treatment. When the patient is detoxed they are treated specifically for the drug they used, Many patients with secondary dependency become combative and resist treatment. In many centers heroin addicts are not accepted as they are manipulative, aggressive, and demanding, so they are not accepted so they cannot   lower the success rate at the facility.(Stimmel 2015). Rehabilitation centers need to accept all different drug types no matter if that addict has a chance of ruining their success rate. They should be more focused on saving lives not worrying if this person might relapse in the program. A   2015 study showed that six times as many people who regularly misuse opiates att empt suicide as people who do not misuse opiates. The rate of death by suicide was two to three times higher in people who had a dependency on opiates(Felman 2018).   I would also have patients who are suicidal to be put in a new wing to be looked it with more attention. Suicide is also comes from being addicted to drugs, with out the substitute for the drug they feel hopeless. I would find something that they can enjoy to substitute the need for drugs in their life. A pet animal is a great way to substitute drug use as a former drug addict can use the animal to cope with its stress and fears to allow them to feel love and have a purpose. Many prisons use animals to allow violent prisoners to calm down and have a purpose to find love and take care of their pet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The youth are the ones that are effected primarily when it comes to drugs. High school students are the most curious and prone to using drugs. You dont need drugs to have a good time and to be an example and leader, she said. This is your life and you only get one chance. Be smart and be informed.(Cousino 2018). The youth in todays society need to be well aware that drugs are bad for you and only ruin your life. In todays society with social media drug use is influenced on all ages. The youth is at major risk when it comes to the media. I would change legislature that makes it illegal for drug use to be promoted wether its video games, music, television, and social media. The mind set of allowing drug use to be promoted corrupts the minds of the youth and allows them to think its ok to be a drug user because my favorite singer does it. With the change in policy I would have lobbyist influence law makers and politicians that even legalizing marijuana will impact our youth not only our society when it comes to addiction. Student s from Summerfield High School had an event to let students talk about there struggling drug addiction .Dr. Kojo Quartey, president of the college, led a moment of silence for those who died from addiction and then told a story about two of his best friends in high school who smoked marijuana, the gateway drug. They went on to other drugs and now theyre dead, Quartey said.(Cousino 2018). the loss of life for a is a shame especially at a young age. Addiction is not a joke and students should become informed and educated when it comes to substance abuse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a social entrepreneur I would put all my time and effort in to seeing my creation expand to help people with substance abuse. Substance abuse is a serious matter with the help and dedication can help lead   to saving lives. I am a very motivated person and with the right help I would be able to push myself to the best of my abilities and be able to be a successful social entrepreneur. I can use all the skill and knowledge I learned from this course to help make the world a better place and it all begins with a social entrepreneur. Sources: Cousino, D. (2018, December 9). Students share stories, pain about drug addiction. Retrieved December 16, 2018, from Felman, A. (2018, October 26). Addiction: Complications and consequences. Retrieved October 29, 2018, from Koob, G. F., Arends, M., Moal, M. L. (2014). Drugs, addiction, and the brain. Amsterdam: Academic Press. Stimmel, B., Stimmel, B. (2015). Alcoholism, drug addiction and the road to recovery: Life on the edge. Binghamton, NY: Haworth. Vestal, C. (2018, October 28). Facing an overdose epidemic, some ERs now offer addiction treatment. Retrieved October 29, 2018, from

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Freytags Pyramid in a Rose for Emily - 723 Words

Freytag’s Pyramid in A Rose for Emily Though a non-linear narrative, Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily fits well into the dramatic structure outlined in Freytag’s Pyramid. Exposition is centered around the death of the eponymous character, Emily Grierson, and details her history in the town of Jefferson. Moving backward in time, a deal between Emily and a former mayor, Colonel Sartoris, is discussed, in which Emily is remitted of all taxes due to a loan Emily’s father made to the town before his death. This expository information allows the reader to form a more substantive picture of Emily before the narrative actually begins. Faulkner establishes the tone of the story as cryptic and elliptical. Emily is someone who can only be known†¦show more content†¦Part four of the story represents falling action, as with the purchase of the arsenic the fate of Homer Barron has been settled. That the arrival of Emily’s family, or â€Å"kin† as Faulkner refers to them, is merely brushed upon in the vaguest terms serves as evidence- the focus of the story is elsewhere. All that is left here is for the story to unravel into the denouement, which comes of course with the discovery of her supposed husband’s corpse. Here, Faulkner pulls back the curtain and allows the reader to briefly glimpse some of the mystery behind Emily, and by simply suggesting at one perversion, he hints at a whole host of other strange activities. Thus the story is concluded not by solving the mystery, but rather by increasing its lurid allure. In a story, such as A Rose for Emily, which is as much about ambience as it is about creating drama, a small action can carry great weight. Emily’s very presence, â€Å"dear, inescapable, impervious, tranquil, and perverse,† shocks the small town of Jefferson out of entropy and into the life of narrative. Thus, though the story is nominally propelled along by curiosity over a strange odor emanating from her house, it is Emily he rself in the end that sustains the interest of the reader. Though Freytag’s Pyramid is an excellent guide for distilling dramatic structure from an otherwise elusive narrative, its application is limited. While the model

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Discretionary Actions of Law Enforcement - 788 Words

Discretionary Actions of Law Enforcement Discretionary actions of law enforcement in some cases have proven to be an effective tool by all levels of law enforcement for many years, but have also been an ethical problem as well. In the early years of organized law enforcement agencies such as the New York Municipal Police, which began conducting law enforcement activities in the mid-1800s, it was possible for police officers to use their own judgment to enforce the laws they saw fit to enforce. In some instances police officers could be paid off by gangs and gang leaders to render enforcement of the laws which would benefit the gangs. Additionally the officer would just look the other way as laws were being broken. This could have happened by the people perpetrating the crimes paying off the officers or the officers simply refused to get involved due to fear of the criminals. As the country began to develop and people began to move west of the major cities in the east, law enforcement moved with it. During the old west time period, cities and counties began to see the need for their own law enforcement officers in the form of city, town, or county Sheriffs. Many times we would fine the individuals placed in these positions often times were men with criminal backgrounds. Again just like the New York Municipal Police example these sheriffs would dictate the laws they saw fit to enforce. This would sometimes be the case at the federal levels also. Some U.S. Marshals oftenShow MoreRelatedDiscretion Of A Law Enforcement Officer873 Words   |  4 PagesAs a law enforcement officer, every situation will be handled differently. Everything is not always black and white, in fact when it comes to policing there are a lot of grey areas. This is where discretion plays an important role. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Child and Adolescent for Vitamin D Deficiency - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theChild and Adolescent Nursingfor Vitamin D Deficiency. Answer: Introduction In the nursing profession, various ways exist of assessing a patient, and in this case, a child who is purportedly sick. This essay, in particular, explains a case study of a young child that has developmental complications and suffering from Vitamin D deficiency. Additionally, it tries to figure out by use of scientific evidence, the influence of a new environment on children well-being. The essay will base its evidence from scholarly works in the determination of causes and health status of the patient. Additionally, the essay analyzes the assessment of irritability, specific cause of motor development in the patient and whether there is any influence on the health status of the child as a result of exposure to a new environment. Also, after determination of the problem, what are some of the interventions and recommendations or steps that a nurse ought to make as far as this case study is concerned? Thus, below is a full elaboration, intervention, and solution of the situation of t he patient as far as the case study is concerned. Description of the Case Study and what it implies Elias, the child in the case study, is four years old but still breastfeed together with his four months sibling. In addition to that, Elias is a refugee from Somalia and has been in Australia for six months. This raises the question of adaptability to the new environment and the state of health, especially, emotional well-being that comes in a child trying to adapt to a new environment (Giger, 2016). Rash infection is also important to assess in such a situation. The patient, despite being four years of age is not able to walk, which is a delay in motor development. Thus investigate whether adaptability to the new environment is causing such a problem or is it nutritional deficient which is also causing a deficiency in vitamin D (Oermann, Gaberson, 2016). Moreover, Elias and his brother possess crusty yellow sores that are evident around their noses and mouths. This is a condition characteristic of bacterial infection, and thus, there is need to carry out laboratory examination to ascertain the presence of bacteria. Moreover, assessment of the diet that both the mother and child takes is of paramount importance to assess whether they eat short of what is expected of a mother breastfeeding two children or that of the two children, Elias and Benji. Lastly, Elias is being investigated for Malaise, which is a stress condition and in children, it has the potential to cause pain, alteration in body temperature and pulse rate and alteration of blood pressure. Nursing Assessment and Priorities In nursing and medical field in general, there are certain codes of conduct or simply ethics that each professional must adhere to in assessing a patient or patients. As far as the case is concerned, it is important to respect the patients involved especially during the assessment and treatment period. Moreover, it is crucial to give them the necessary information so that they can either consent or decline suggestions that a nurse put forward to them (Hockenberry, Wilson, Rodgers, 2016). Lastly, this case, in particular, needs the partnership of the mother and nurse for the assessment to be successful, thus, upholding this aspect is critical in assessing Elias, or Benji. As the family comes from another country, determination of whether they need an interpreter is of paramount importance (Lewis et al., 2016). The information put forward to them must be in the language familiar for them to get a clear understanding of what is taking place and in effect, accept or reject. There are various ways that a nurse can make an assessment as far as the case study is concerned. However, and especially because the assessment involves examination of bacterial infection, there must be proper protective mechanism or measures put in place to prevent the likelihood of transmission of infection (Oermann, Gaberson, 2016). Thus, personal protective equipment (PPE) is useful for this assessment. Firstly, as a nurse, it is crucial to put on PPE because there is a possibility of contact of fluid from the patients. Secondly, taking note in the process of removing gloves is important to avoid contamination of the skin and clothing. Lastly, discard gloves before leaving the place of examining the patient. Another Assessment is pain examination in the child. Determination of pain is important for establishing whether the child has malaises. There are various methods of assessing pain in children and adolescents. In assessing pain, it follows six main stages or process referred to as QUESTT. In its full explanation, it denotes questioning the child denoted by letter Q, followed by using a pain rating scale for rating the pain (James, Nelson, Ashwill, 2014). The next step is evaluating the behavior and also physiological changes which represent the E part of the word. As a nurse, it is also important to secure the involvement of parents which is the S part of the word formula. After conducting all this in assessing the child pain, the next step ought to be taking account of the cause of pain representing the second last T-word (Harrison et al., 2013). Lastly, evaluate results after taking action which is the last step of assessing pain by the word formula and represent the last T in the word. in elaborating the process, the first part of pain assessment, that is questioning the child involves using their languages. In addition to that, consider other aspects, for instance, children not able to communicate have the potential of their pain being under estimated. On the second assessment of pain, which is using a scale to estimate or measure pain, the scale can be in the form of faces, behavioral or physiological and numerical (Wilson, Hockenberry, 2014). Behavioral scale involves the use of face, legs, activity, cry or consolability, which denotes FLACC scale. The other step mentioned above is evaluating the behavior and changes in the physiology of the patient. It involves behavioral changes that related to age, while physiological changes, that is, altered sleep pattern, change in skin color and the tone. The other assessment of pain is taking action or evaluating the results (Kozlowski et al., 2014). In this step, it is important to administer analgesia or uses other co mfort actions. Additionally, taking the assumption that the analgesia is working is not right, but instead, it is recommended to take action if the effectiveness of analgesia proves otherwise. Lastly is documentation of findings, by choosing an appropriate tool and on the observation chart. Some of the scales used for measuring pain include but are not limited to NRS, FLACC-R, FACES-R, and VAS. On the other hand, Elias appears to be having malaises which are a condition characterized by distress and can cause pain, alteration in temperature and pulse rate. Also, there is the need for assessing blood pressure. In case of measuring temperature, the best tool to use for this age group is the electronic or chemical thermometer with a dot which is applied in the axilla (Eccleston et al., 2014). Also, an infrared tympanic thermometer is also of use in this case. In using the thermometer, it is important to leave it in position to allow time to gain an accurate reading as prescribed by the manufacturer (Lauwers, 2015). Additionally, for the sake of pulse rate, a stethoscope is applicable for children, but it is worth to note the effect that crying or eating can have on the readings. Lastly, to measure blood pressure, use lower legs or upper arm taking note on the right size of the cuff as it is essential for correct readings. As part of the assessing the reasons behind the crusty yellow sours in children, and since this is an indication of bacterial infection, a swab from the nose and the mouth is essential for laboratory examination. Additionally, the nurse may request for urinalysis to be carried out to further ascertain the presence of bacteria. However, bacteria are highly infectious; therefore, care ought to be taken in assessing the two boys, Elias and Benji to avoid transmission. In addition to that, it is important to isolate them from other patients to avoid possible transmission for the same (Boon, Pentney, 2015). One of the most common indications of bacterial infection is rash, thus, taking note of the same is important in assessing bacterial infection. Risk Factor and Nursing problem Several risk factors are evident in the case study that has the potential to either cause or have already caused the ill condition of the child. Firstly, is the change of environment or new environment for that matter? There is various documentation that stipulates the effects that a new locale can have in the growth and development of a child. Thus, the fact that the family is in a new country is a risk factor to the health status of both Elias and Benji. In addition to that, the two children breastfeed their mother in tandem. This requires that the mother and the children take food supplement rich in vitamin D (Boon, Pentney, 2015). There is no such evidence, and thus a risk factor and a nursing problem as well predisposing the children to vitamin D deficiency. On the other hand, Elias is diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency; therefore, this is a nursing problem that is likely causing his slow motor development (Huggins, 2015). Non-white ethnicity has a higher risk of suffering fro m vitamin D deficiency. Elias family comes from Somalia, and this can be a risk factor for developing such a condition. It is also true that deficiency of vitamin D is also a nursing problem that may be causing distress in children and thus, malaises (Ahmann, Dokken, 2012). Low intake of milk has the potential to cause low immunity to the two children as the strength of their immune system is largely dependent on the milk intake that passes immunity to the children. This a risk factor for various infection and establishment of diseases in children. Lastly, the fact Elias and Benji are below five years is another risk factor as their immunity is not yet developed. Nursing Interventions as a nurse, this case scenario calls for interventions in some ways. To start with delayed motor development, the option for this in this case study is for Elias and Benji to take food supplements rich in vitamin D to compensate for the deficient supply of milk and in effect, nutrients they get from their mother. Additionally, the mother needs to take food supplements rich in vitamin D and other nutrients to not only improves her Vitamin D content in the milk, but also improves nutrients in milk that will boost the immunity of the child (Carneiro, Meghir, Parey, 2013). Educating the family on the proper nutrients to give to the child is important to make sure it improves their immunity and fasten their growth and development. There is the need for the family to expose both children to the sunlight to get Vitamin D. Proper hygiene is essential to avoid bacterial infection (Payne, Isaacs, 2017). The doctor can also prescribe antibiotics for the treatment of bacteria upon confirmation . The family needs to be advised on these aspects. For the case of bacterial infection, the family needs to be referred for treatment should there be any presence of bacterial infection causing sores in the mouth and nose of Elias and Benji. This intervention will, in turn, reduce malaises that are as a result of the side effects of the deficiency in milk and the new environment. Extended Care Plan One of the best ways for nurses to successfully implement a care program is to include the patients in its implementation. This is beneficial in many ways, to start with ethics, it makes it possible to respect and allow the patient to give consent to whatever undertakings that the nurse intends to carry out on him or her. Firstly, is the diet that they need to take, both Elias and his mother. As a foreigner, they may disdain some foods as result of their cultural background. Thus, allowing choosing what to take is essential. In addition to that, Elias mother needs to be taught how to monitor Elias on whether there are any significant changes in his condition. The mother ought to keep record periodically to share with the nurse to determine whether positive changes are taking place or not (Trawick-Smith, 2013). Lastly, is education on the family on how to make the child adapt to the new environment. Conclusion The case study tries to explain nurses intervention, extended care plan and assessment of irritability, malaise, delayed motor development and inadequacy of vitamin D. In addition to that, the patient under case study, that is, Elias, is a migrant, four years of age. He has some signs of bacterial infection characterized by his mouth conditions. As a nurse, it is crucial to apply the code of conduct before and during the assessment, use protective measures to avoid transmission of infections and the right tools for assessing the patient. Additionally, and in this case, in particular, it is crucial to educate the mother so that she is aware of the role she has to play in the recovery process. The environment has been shown to be one of the factors that can affect growth and development of the child. Another thing is the deficiency of nutrients. Lastly, the short term and long term program of curing Elias must be done in partnership as this is the only way to successfully carry out a p roper healing program on Elias and even his sibling Benji. References Ahmann, E., Dokken, D. (2012). Strategies for encouraging patient/family member partnerships with the health care team. Pediatric nursing, 38(4), 232. Boon, S., Pentney, B. (2015). Selfies| virtual lactivism: Breastfeeding selfies and the performance of motherhood. 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